9 Tips to Reduce Email Bounce Rates

9 Tips to Reduce Email Bounce Rates

The industry average email bounce rate is between 2 and 5%. If your email bounce rate is higher than that, here’s how you can lower it.

  1. Never spam: Only send email to addresses of users who have given permission. Besides the legal ramifications, sending spam will get you blacklisted.
  2. Clean and update your lists regularly: Continual list hygiene will remove dormant addresses and eliminate spam complainers.
  3. Avoid spam-like content and subject lines: Even if you’re sending to opted-in addresses, ESPs and ISPs will judge your content. Keep it clean and relevant.
  4. Stick to a regular send schedule: The more consistent your email sends are, like day of the week and time of day, the better.
  5. Write to your audience: Be sure all your content and offers match what your subscribers initially signed up for.
  6. Don’t use free sender domains: If you’re using a free domain, ESPs and ISPs may see your messages as spam. Purchase a clean and professional domain name.
  7. Authenticate your domain names: An authenticated domain name will greatly increase your deliverability and automatically reduce bounce rates.
  8. Remove all hard bounces from your lists: By removing hard bounces, you’re statistically reducing your bounce rate immediately, which will lead to higher in-boxing.
  9. Validate and verify your email addresses: Most importantly, make sure all your subscriber addresses are legitimate by validating and verifying the data.

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9 Tips to Reduce Email Bounce Rates

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