7 Email Statistics for Mobile Devices

7 Email Statistics for Mobile Devices

Mobile based email marketing is quickly becoming the best way to reach subscribers and drive sales. Here’s 7 email statistics that every email marketer should know when it comes to mobile.

47%:   The percentage of consumers using mobile apps to check their email.

85%:   The percentage of users who use their smartphones to access emails.

3 Seconds:   How quick users delete mal-formatted emails on their mobile devices.

50%:   The minimal percentage of all emails opened on mobile devices.

3X:     Mobile device users check their email three times more often than desktop users.

38%:   Percentage of consumers who bought a product they first saw in a mobile email campaign.

70%:    The increase in mobile based email conversions over the past year

As more and more consumers access their email via mobile devices, and with mobile based conversion rates on the rise, now’s the time to optimize all of you content and marketing materials to take full advantage.

EmailOversight can help your business reach more mobile email subscribers, assure your emails are in-boxed and help grow your mobile-based email revenues to new heights.

Discover what EmailOversight can do for your mobile email marketing stats at EmailOversight.com


7 Email Statistics for Mobile Devices

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